Calendar Change
Spring Recess will begin tomorrow, April 9th. Online Learning will resume on Monday, April 20th.
Question for the Week:
Spring Recess will begin tomorrow, April 9th. Online Learning will resume on Monday, April 20th.
Question for the Week:
What are shadows?
Weekly Foundational Read-Aloud:
Moonbear's Shadow? by Frank Asch
The YouTube Link to the weekly Read-Aloud is located: HERE
Questions to ask your child in response to the read-aloud:
- Is it possible to get rid of a shadow? Why or why not
- Bear felt very annoyed when he could not get rid of his shadow. Are there things that make you feel annoyed? What are they?
- Bear talked to his shadow. Can shadows listen?
- Can shadows answer questions? Why or why not?
- When it was noon and the sun was high in the sky, Bear’s shadow was gone. Why?
- When can you see your shadow?
- How can you make your shadow go away?
Additional Read-Alouds
Learn at Home activities for spring break:
Recycled Materials. Save reusable materials such as empty cardboard boxes and clean plastic containers. Use these containers to make various creations with your child such as the buildings in your neighborhood, cars, trains or other objects your child enjoys.
Draw Together. If you have paper or another surface for drawing (e.g. cardboard box) and writing/drawing tools such as a pen, pencil, crayons, or markers draw together. Create anything you want, and then make up a story together about what you drew.
Shadows. Turn out the lights and use a lamp or flashlight (or the light on your mobile device) to make shadows on a wall or floor. Move your bodies or hands closer to and further from the light and note what happens. Think with your child about other ways you might create shadows too.
I Spy. Look outside and note a few things you see. Make a list or draw pictures of these objects (e.g. I see birds flying in the sky). This activity could also be done inside.
Water Play. Play with water with your child. Fill a container with water (e.g. sink, bathtub, or other container) and add various cups and scoops such as spoons or toys that encourage dramatic play (i.e. toy boats) and engage in water play together.
Clouds. Look out the window with your child and discuss the clouds. Take turns telling stories about the shapes of clouds to help your child use their imagination and express ideas in words. “That cloud looks like a cat! What do you see?”
Stretch. Put some soft music on and invite your child to stretch their body. Can you stretch up tall like a tree? Can you twist to one side? How about the other? Can you hang down low to the ground?
Music / Movement Activities:
For additional Music and Movement Activities, please look at Ms. Alma's Blog, located HERE!
Once online learning resumes on April 20th, I will be calling parents twice a week to check in. If you would like to share any resources with other families, please let me know and I will add it to the blog!
Some resources that have been shared by parents:
MarcoPolo (children can send each other videos)
Khan Academy Kids
MarcoPolo (children can send each other videos)
Khan Academy Kids
ABC Mouse
TinyBots (one time $2.99 fee)
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems
Miss Megan's Camp Kindergarten (facebook)
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden (facebook)
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems
Miss Megan's Camp Kindergarten (facebook)
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden (facebook)
Other Useful Resources / Tips / Ideas
Brain Pop Jr. - Math Games
Scholastic Learn at Home - The website offers multiple days of content including read-alouds, movement activities, STEM activities, drawing activities, building activities, etc.
One of the parents suggested to set up a free Zoom account and have one family member or friend teach their child something new each day via a Zoom call!
If you have any questions or concerns that are not addressed during our weekly phone calls, please feel free to email me at
As always, please make sure to read the OLQM school blog for additional updates and information located, HERE!
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