Friday, May 17, 2019

Week of May 20th!

Reminders / Notices:

  • School is Closed on Friday, May 24th and Monday, May 27th, for Memorial Day. 

Unit Topic:
  • Babies

Essential Question for the Unit:
  • What are babies?

Focus Question for the Week:
  • What can we learn about animal babies?

Focused Learning Activity for the Week:
  • Ms. McGarry and Mrs. Manan will work with students in the science center.  Students will be able to match cards with animal babies to the corresponding adult.  
Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:
  • PK.CKW.5: (Science) Observes and describes characteristics of living things.

Foundational Text for the Week:
  • Stellaluna by Janell Cannon

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:
  • PK.SED.2: Regulates his / her response to needs, feelings, and events.  

Questions That Will Be Asked Throughout The Week:

Level 1: Recall
Why did Stellaluna live with the bird family?
What are some of the things Stellaluna learned to do when she lived with the bird family?
What do bats do during the day? What do they do at night?

Level 2: Skill/Concept
Why did Stellaluna feel embarrassed when she tried to fly with the baby birds?
Why did Stellaluna think she was clumsy?

Level 3: Strategic Thinking
How do you think Stellaluna felt about being separated from her mother?
How do you think Stellaluna felt when mama bird told her she had to do the same things as the other birds?
How do you think Stellaluna felt when she found her own mother again?

Level 4: Extended Thinking
At the end of the story, Flitter wondered how the baby birds and Stellaluna can be so different butfeel so much alike. What you do you think? How is that possible?
Pip wondered how the birds and Stellaluna can feel so different and be so alike. What do you think? How is that possible? How are you different/similar to someone else?

Lessons and Activities for the Week:

Blocks- Students will be invited to consider some of the furniture people can use to care for babies (ex. cradle) and use blocks to build these items.

Pretend Play- Pretend Play will be turned into a baby nursery.  Students will pretend to care for babies by feeding, cleaning, and changing the baby dolls provided.

Art- Students are invited to create their own baby portraits with a variety of art materials.

Science- Students will be able to play a matching game, matching the adult animal to its offspring.

Math- Cutouts of babies of various lengths will be added to the math center.  Students will be able to measure each baby and tell which is longest and shortest.

Library- Students are invited to read books about our theme, babies.

Writing- Cards will be supplied with pictures of animal babies as well as their names. They will be placed in a bin for children to reference as they create their own animal baby book.

Sensory- Sand and water, or play-doh.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!

If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the

Help Line at 888-227-8175

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